Archive for March, 2007

True Texas Women

Friday, March 23rd, 2007

Passport to Texas from Texas Parks and Wildlife

This month the Barrington Living History Farm at Washington-on-the-Brazos honors 19th Century women with the interactive event “True Texas Women.”

We feel that Texas women were the backbone of the New Republic of Texas. Their stories are not told. You know, the men get the credit- they were the soldiers, the politicians and all. We think that there’s truth that the women kept the home fires burning.

Janice Campbell is a Domestic Interpreter. Visitors will get a hands-on opportunity to learn popular 1800s women’s crafts, and social customs.

Last year, we had an activity that we called “charm strings,” and all this is, is stringing buttons on pieces of thread. Women were doing this in the mid-19th century. It was almost as young boys collecting baseball trading cards today; women were collecting and trading buttons.

True Texas Women allows younger generations to appreciate women who made contributions to our state.

What we’ve seen happen over the years, not only adult women coming and enjoying this event, but we’ve seen groups of young girls. And we want those girls to understand we have a rich woman’s history here in Texas and it’s going to be up to them to carry this on.

True Texas Women is Saturday and Sunday, March 24 and 25th.

That’s our show …with research and writing help from Loren Seeger…For Texas Parks and Wildlife…I’m Cecilia Nasti

April Magazine Preview

Thursday, March 22nd, 2007

Passport to Texas from Texas Parks and Wildlife

Sometimes beauty is best viewed from a distant vantage point. The April issue of Texas Parks and Wildlife magazine highlights five of the best sky high views of the state. Associate publisher, Charles Lohrmann…

Photographer Laurence Parent and writer Wendee Holtcamp are describing five of the best views in the entire state of Texas. And most of the top five views they chose are in West Texas.

The westernmost if the Wyler Tramway at the Franklin Mountains SP. The view is from the top of Ranger Peak. And it’s about 56-hundred feet. You can see New Mexico to the West. The entire city of El Paso…and across the Rio Grande to Ciudad Juarez.

And not too far away is Guadalupe Peak, which is the highest point in the entire state. Then, also within range of that is McDonald Observatory, which is on Mount Locke. And, then the unique aspect of the famous view from McDonald Observatory is into the night sky, of course.

And then a sentimental favorite view is Enchanted Rock, which is only 18-hundred and 25-feet, but it’s a view that many Texans enjoy.

And one manmade view on the list is the San Jacinto Monument, which is the most eastern view. So, once you take a look at the April issue, you can make your own checklist of the best views, and then write us with your view of the Lone Star State.

Thanks Charles.

That’s our show…For Texas Parks and Wildlife…I’m Cecilia Nasti

Outdoor Stories: Bill Harwell’s Boyhood Fishing Adventure

Wednesday, March 21st, 2007

Passport to Texas Outdoor Stories from Texas Parks and Wildlife

Austin resident, Bill Harwell’s, paternal grandmother and his great aunt Edna loved to fish… and often invited Bill and his cousin to share the adventure. This is his story:

One night I got the exciting news that my great aunt had come into possession of – what we called – a pontoon boat. But the even better part of it was we were going to go night fishing, which we had never done before. Her living in Atlanta, the best place to put in was a big lake, just southwest of Texarkana called Wright Patman Lake.

And so my cousin and I – we were probably about eight…nine…ten years old at the time…this is around 1960 -61 something like that — get all of our gear aboard (the two of us and these two ladies).

They tell us they’d been told that the best thing to attract fish, above and beyond the worms and the minnows, is to hang a couple of lanterns off the side of the pontoon boat…. maybe that is the best way to do it… but my main recollection was just this incredible plague-like swarm of June bugs, mosquitoes…getting bugs of all sorts and shapes in our soft drinks….up our noses…. We did do some good fishing, but the overwhelming remaining impression of night fishing for me is lots and lots of bugs.

Share your outdoor story with us when you visit the Passport to Texas website.

That’s our show for today… For Texas Parks and Wildlife…I’m Cecilia Nasti

The Frogs and Toads of Texas

Tuesday, March 20th, 2007

Passport to Texas from Texas Parks and Wildlife

Did you know Texas is home to forty-four different species of frogs, as well as myriad other amphibians?

Scott Kiester, Texas Amphibian Watch volunteer, says you don’t have to travel far to find a homegrown frog or toad. In fact, he says they may be closer than you think.

The Gulf Coast Toad you’ll find anywhere where he’s got a moist place he can hide in the daytime and come out at night and hunt bugs. The Rio Grande Chirping Frog is endemic to the southern valley. They’re about as big as the joint on your little finger and they hang out in plants. They like particularly Bromeliads.

Not only can we identify these creatures by their habitats, we can also identify them by their distinctive calls.

Different frogs and toads call at different times of the year. There are some that are year-round: the Bullfrog, the Southern Leopard Frog, and the Northern Cricket Frog. They may not breed year-round, but you can hear them. There are other species, like the Spring Peeper, and the Upland and Spotted Chorus Frogs; you will only hear when the weather is cool. Their idea of a perfect day is fifties and rainy. Frogs mostly call to attract mates. In fact, only really male frogs call.

Learn more about frogs and toads on the Texas Parks and Wildlife website.

That’s our show for today…with research and writing help from Loren Seeger.

For Texas Parks and Wildlife…I’m Cecilia Nasti

Camping in Texas

Monday, March 19th, 2007

Passport to Texas from Texas Parks and Wildlife

Camping is the perfect way to turn an average weekend into a vacation. State parks have everything from primitive camp grounds to those with restrooms, water and electricity. There are parks in every region of Texas, so your destination is only a short drive away.

Be prepared before leaving on your camping adventure. Pack a tent, lantern, and water, and be sure to wear clothing that’s appropriate for the time of year and location. Remember your sunscreen all year round.

For those who want to bring a little piece of home with them, several parks accommodate RVs. Call the site to determine what RV connections are available.

For the pampered camper, check out state parks with cabins and lodges. Historic inns and secluded ranches make for an extra relaxing getaway.

When camping, remember you are a visitor in nature’s home. To discourage resident wildlife from your campsite, store and dispose of food properly and never leave a campfire or cook stove unattended. Always pack out everything you packed into the park.

Follow these guidelines and you’re sure to be a happy camper.

Details about camping in state parks can be found on the Texas Parks & Wildlife website.

That’s our show for today…with research and writing help from Loren Seeger. Joel Block engineers our program…For Texas Parks and Wildlife…I’m Cecilia Nasti