Archive for the 'Monarchs' Category

Flowers, Boxes, and Bees. Oh My!

Monday, August 29th, 2016
Looking for pollinators on backyard flowering plants.

Looking for pollinators on backyard flowering plants.

This is Passport to Texas

Texas Parks and Wildlife developed a new protocol that addresses land management for pollinators. While the protocols focus on acreage, urban dwellers can still manage for these species in their backyards.

One of the biggest things that urban residents can do is simply plant more good quality flowering plants.

Michael Warriner is non-game and rare species program leader for Texas Parks and Wildlife. He says native plants are best, but noninvasive nonnatives are also useful. He adds that if you’re serious about helping pollinators—scale back your lawn.

And having more flowering plants. Also, another thing is offering nest sites. And especially with our native solitary bees that nest in dead wood, urban folks can put up native bee nesting blocks.

If you’re worried about putting up nesting boxes because of the close proximity it puts you to bees—don’t.

Because solitary bees don’t defend their nest sites, you don’t have to worry about these bees flying out and defending their nests and getting stung. Let’s say like honeybee colonies do. Or, paper wasps. You know, insects that are social.

By planting more flowering species in your landscape, and by hanging bee nesting boxes in your public outdoor spaces, you are not only providing food, shelter and breeding sites for important pollinators, you’re also creating a more beautiful setting for yourself. Win-win.

That’s our Show…Funding provided in part by Ram Trucks. Guts. Glory. Ram

For Texas Parks and Wildlife…I’m Cecilia Nasti.

NOTE: October 7 – 16, 2016 participate in the Texas Pollinator BioBlitz. Learn more when you click here.

TPW TV – Betting on Butterflies

Friday, August 26th, 2016
One of the many butterfly species you'll find in the Texas Rio Grande Valley

One of the many butterfly species you’ll find in the Texas Rio Grande Valley

This is Passport to Texas

A diverse array of wildlife viewing opportunities can be had in Texas. Especially in the Rio Grande Valley, where visitors—like David Dauphin—travel to see butterflies.

You can see more species of butterflies than anywhere else in the United States. It’s just another aspect of the wildlife watching that’s so fantastic in the valley.

During the week of August 28, the Texas Parks and Wildlife TV Series on PBS airs a segment called Betting on Butterflies, which looks at this relatively recent wildlife viewing obsession.

Butterfly field guides didn’t really start coming out until the mid-90s, I guess. And like birding, you eventually start checking them off a list, and that sort of thing. Butterfliers are really birders that have gone over to the dark side. It’s just a progression.

Many people visit the valley to add new butterfly species to their list, yet, locals, like Kay Cunningham, find joy in an old favorite—the monarch—during its fall migration.

It’s always a big thrill when they start coming in. This part of Texas is kind of plain. But, there is a beauty in this country that you have to be patient and wait for. And the monarch are one of those.

Immerse yourself in the beauty of butterflies the week of August 28 with the Texas Parks and Wildlife TV Series on PBS, Check your local listings.

For Texas Parks and Wildlife…I’m Cecilia Nasti.

Milkweed for Monarchs

Thursday, August 25th, 2016
Milkweed for monarchs

Milkweed for monarchs

This is Passport to Texas

More than seventy species of milkweed have been recorded nationwide; over half of those are native to Texas. Including two that are endemic.

These are species that are found nowhere else but within the Texas border. One of them is called Texas Milkweed, which is found in canyons in Central Texas. And then we have a species called Coastal Milkweed that occurs roughly from the Houston area to just north of Brownsville.

Jason Singhurst, a botanist with Texas Parks and Wildlife, says milkweeds provide sustenance to the iconic monarch butterfly during its migration.

So, here in Texas, we know certain species like green milkweed, antelope horns, broadleaf milkweed, and zizotes are some of our most abundant species that we’re seeing monarch larvae and adults visit.

Because milkweed species vary, do monarchs use each species in the same or different ways?

That’s a really good question. That’s something we’re trying to figure out in Texas. And that’s why we started this mapping project called Texas Milkweeds and Monarchs project—using iNaturalist. It’s an app that you can download on your smartphone. We’re using that project to help us identify different species of milkweeds across the state, and then also which species that larvae, or adult monarch butterflies are visiting.

Find a link to the Milkweeds and Monarchs project on iNaturalist at

Find an article about milkweeds by Jason Singhurst in the August/September issue of Texas Parks and Wildlife Magazine.

The Wildlife Restoration program supports our series.

For Texas Parks and Wildlife…I’m Cecilia Nasti.

New Pollinator Protocols

Wednesday, July 13th, 2016
Southern plains bumble bee. Courtesy of Jessica Womack.

Southern plains bumble bee. Courtesy of Jessica Womack.

This is Passport to Texas

European honeybees and native bees, both important pollinators, are in decline.

With interest in declining pollinators, there’s been a call from a number of landowners for plans to help these species.

Texas Parks and Wildlife’s Michael Warriner says the agency developed new pollinator protocols for landowner use that begin with food and nesting sites for bees and other pollinators.

Let’s say you only have a few species of [flowers] that bloom in the spring. Not many in the summer. Not many in the fall. You could do a reseeding, or seed the area with native plant seed. Now, that can oftentimes be expensive if you have a lot of acres. In the protocols, we also describe another method of putting in native pollinator plots. You can consider this analogous to a deer food plot where you put in, let’s say, a half an acre. You seed it with good quality native plant seed. A number of species. And that’s your native pollinator plot, which makes it a little more cost effective than reseeding a really big area.

Find complete protocols on the Texas Parks and Wildlife website. Some landowners who implement protocols may qualify for a wildlife exemption.

If they’re actively wanting to develop a wildlife management plan for their property, they don’t have to do all the protocols; they can pick and choose what they want to do. If they need help, they can contact their local Texas Parks and Wildlife biologist in their region for help with this.

The Wildlife Restoration program supports our series.

For Texas Parks and Wildlife…I’m Cecilia Nasti.

Pollinators in Peril

Tuesday, July 12th, 2016
Friendly neighborhood pollinator.

Friendly neighborhood pollinator.

This is Passport to Texas

Pollinators are a trending topic these days.

We’re mainly talking about insects and sometimes mammals—like bats—who visit flowers.

Michael Warriner is non-game and rare species program leader for Texas Parks and Wildlife. Pollinators visit flowers for nectar or pollen, which they use as food.

But in the process, they’re transferring pollen from plant-to-plant, which the plant needs to become pollinated, and set viable seed.

Yet, over the years we’ve noticed a decline in the number of non-native and native pollinator species.

There’s a whole level of concern that’s manifested out of the concern for honeybees. Folks then started thinking about what’s going on with native bees, butterflies… And research shows that with things like bumblebees, there are a number of species that have experienced declines—that have disappeared from big parts of their range. And so there’s this whole overarching concern about native and non-native pollinators since their so closely tied to-–especially—human food production.

Tomorrow: how landowners can help revive slumping pollinator populations with Texas Parks and Wildlife’s new protocol.

The Wildlife Restoration program supports our series.

For Texas Parks and Wildlife…I’m Cecilia Nasti.