FLY-FISHING WORKSHOP 2: If you're a fly-fisherman, you can help others learn the sport ... find out how on Passport to Texas ... ____________________________________________________________ Passport to Texas ... from Texas Parks and Wildlife Whether you're sight casting to a tailing redfish on the coast, or standing knee deep in the lower Guadalupe duping trout with your hand tied flies ... fly-fishing offers special joys and challenges. Share what you know with others; learn how when you attend a free fly fishing instructor workshop at Huntsville State Park on January 21. The fly-fishing instructor workshops are held to give fly- fishermen some tools and some ideas on how to teach children - and adults -- about the sport. :10 Brenda Justice is aquatic education specialist at the Dickinson Marine Lab. The instructor workshop is open to anglers 17 and older. They will learn special skills with regard to teaching children. We give them all the program tools and materials that they might need to work with kids - keeping it simple, keeping it fun and positive. And, for example, helping to educate them on how children learn, and giving them ideas of ways to make it fun. Because we have a lot of fly-fishermen and fishermen that know what they're doing, but they need some help to give them ideas how to teach it. So that's what the workshop it about. :23 The free workshop runs from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. January 21. Participants should wear comfortable clothing and bring a sack lunch; reservations are required. There's more information in the calendar section of the Texas Parks and Wildlife web site. That's our show ... made possible by the Sport Fish and Wildlife Restoration Program ... For Texas Parks and Wildlife ... I'm Cecilia Nasti.