RED SNAPPER SURVEY: You have to know the difference between these species before you share your data ... we explain ... ahead ... on Passport to Texas This is Passport to Texas Seasoned anglers may roll their eyes when I make this confession, but I have been using "redfish" and "red snapper" interchangeably. This -- I know now -- is wrong. 11 -- Red snapper is different from what people commonly refer to as redfish or red drum. So, yes. Two different species. Red snapper and red drum ... of which red drum is often referred to as redfish. Thank you, Jeremy Leitz [LEETZ], for clearing that up. Jeremy is with coastal fisheries. These species are easy to tell apart: Red drum is more streamlined and has a black dot on its tail; red snapper is chunkier and ... well ... redder. 08 -- Red snapper are typically found in deeper waters along structures such as artificial or natural reefs. While red drum are in the gulf, they're typically more sought after in our bay systems. I'm telling you this because Parks and Wildlife's Coastal Fisheries division requests your help with a voluntary red snapper survey, which makes accurate identification of the species vital. 14 -- What we're asking of recreational anglers is that after a fishing trip, they log onto a website to record the number of red snapper that trip harvested. Only one angler needs to report per party, but again, after you're done with your trip, log into the website and report the number you have caught. The survey is a pilot program that continues through May 2015. Find it on the TPW website. The WSFR program supports our series; it's funded by your purchase of fishing and hunting equipment and motorboat fuel. For Texas Parks and Wildlife, I'm Cecilia Nasti. Total sound bite time: 0.33.0 Maximum Script time: 0:52.0 Suggested show time: 85.0 = 1:25