HURRICANE HUMMERS: How will the impact of Hurricane Harvey affect migrating hummingbirds…find out…. ahead on Passport to Texas. This is Passport to Texas Rockport, hit hard by Hurricane Harvey, is famous as a fall/winter hummingbird migration stopover. 10—Hummingbirds are equipped to handle all kinds of environmental situations – [including] natural disasters. And, they are opportunistic: they look for opportunities in which to feed. Urban wildlife biologist, Kelly Simon says residents are rightly focused on recovery, and may not hang nectar filled feeders this season. 12—Hummingbirds have endured natural disasters like this for as long as there have been hummingbirds. And so, while we’re focusing right now on human needs, the physical needs of hummingbirds will be met by the hummingbirds. Folks along the migration path might consider hanging a few extra feeders, using a 3:1 ratio to increase energy content. However… 33—Hummingbirds don’t live by sugar water alone. They actually require spiders and mites that the find in native plants in order to gain the fats and proteins that will help fuel their journey. That may be a thing that’s hard for them to find. But, Corpus Christi is not that far away. And Corpus Christi has an abundance of flowers – they were not hit quite as hard. So, there’s a lot of natural food out there. It may not be in Rockport, but adding about 100 miles on top of the journey, when you’re looking at a 2-thousand mile journey, is probably not significant. Hummingbirds, like those hit by Harvey, are survivors, but always appreciate help from their friends. For Texas Parks and Wildlife, I’m Cecilia Nasti. Total sound bite time: 0:55.0 Maximum Script time: 0:30.0 Suggested show time: 1:25