TPW TV – FINDING THE STORY: How TPW TV producers find stories to turn into award-wining television …ahead on Passport to Texas… This is Passport to Texas Get ready for the 32nd season of the Texas Parks and Wildlife TV Series on PBS. 05—We start our new season the week of October 15th, and [we’ve] got some new stuff this year. If you’ve never seen the show, or aren’t sure you’ll like it, series producer, Don Cash, offers this reassurance. 16— We like to call it a magazine format. We don’t just do one topic in a half hour show. We usually do three…or four…or five segments of different things in a show. So, if the first segment’s not that interesting to you, maybe the next four will be. It is a show about people like you who love the outdoors. 22—We find stories by going out in the field and working on other stories. You go out, you meet somebody, they say: Oh, you should meet so-and-so; they’ve got this thing going. And by going out in the field and going to the parks and going different places – that’s how we find the stories. Now, sometimes, they come our way. Sometimes people let us know. But for the most part, we just find them when we’re out there traveling the state. Such as when they discovered a woman in remote West Texas who creates habitat for birds. 15— I mean, you’ve got to be a special person to live by yourself out in West Texas, up in the back of a canyon, and do all this work on your own – and the welcome people to come in – and look at the birds that come into your place. So, that’s the thing that I enjoy about doing this. We think you’ll enjoy it, too. The new season of the TPW TV series on PBS begins the week of October 15. Check your local listings. For Texas Parks and Wildlife…I’m Cecilia Nasti. Total sound bite time: 0:58.0 Maximum Script time: 0:27.0 Suggested show time: 85.0 = 1:25