Archive for January 2nd, 2008

The Personal Side of Hunting

Wednesday, January 2nd, 2008

Passport to Texas from Texas Parks and Wildlife and the Wildlife Restoration Program

Every longtime hunter with whom I’ve spoken says virtually the same thing.

Hunting has become a very, very personal thing. I don’t do a whole lot of harvesting, but I enjoy being outdoors.

Bob Cook is a lifelong hunter and outgoing Executive Director of Texas Parks and Wildlife.

When I hunt, I hunt alone. Now, I may go hunting with a whole bunch of guys, but that’s mainly for around the camp type stuff. When I actually go out into the field, typically, I enjoy hunting alone. I enjoy the quiet and the peace of it all.

Hunters and non-hunters agree that being in nature is its own reward. For people who do hunt, years of careful habitat management in Texas have paid off.

One of the things that I’ll say to you about hunting is Texas, I think, having had the experiences that I have had in other areas is that we’re spoiled. The wildlife populations and such in Texas are so good… we have so much game… so much wildlife… that we kind of tend to take that for granted. Hardly anybody else, anywhere in the world, I think, has the abundance of wildlife that we have.

Find a link to wildlife and hunting information at

That’s our show…The Wildlife Restoration supports our series and funds Texas’ Private Lands and Public Hunting Programs.

For Texas Parks and Wildlife…I’m Cecilia Nasti.