Diane de la Garza, Professional Bass Angler, 2
Tuesday, September 16th, 2008Passport to Texas form Texas Parks and Wildlife and the Sport Fish Restoration Program
Diane de la Garza used to be a competitive gymnast. But now she’s turned her attention to professional bass angling.
This compared to competitive gymnastics is very different. There are some similarities, with your determination and giving it your 100-percent. With fishing, there are so many factors out there: the weather, the fish…there’s little bit of luck to it, but there’s also figuring out what the pattern is, and knowing what depth to fish, and what they want. Whether it be top water, or a worm, or what have you. And so, putting all the pieces together is like a puzzle. And that, to me, is so intriguing and it is such a challenge.
De la Garza and her husband Hector, another professional bass angler, are taking part in this year’s Texas Parks and Wildlife Expo at the Fishing Fundamentals area.
And this is where we’re going to tell you how to do it, where to fish, what you need, and we’re also going to have some biologists in the area with us. And, I’m going to be demonstrating some techniques with the visitors, and we’ll be open for questions.
Learn about professional angling…or where to find the best fishing hole near you…when you come to Texas Parks and Wildlife Expo, October 4 and 5. The festival is free, and open from 9 to 5 both days.
That’s our show….with support from the Sport Fish Restoration program… funded by your purchase of fishing equipment and motor boat fuels For Texas Parks and Wildlife…I’m Cecilia Nasti.