Archive for November 14th, 2008

New Central Texas Inland Paddling Trail

Friday, November 14th, 2008

Passport to Texas from Texas Parks and Wildlife

The opening of Bastrop’s new paddling trail was a bang and splash!

On your mark, get set. [horn blast and buzz] Whoo! The race has started. Go get ‘em guys!

At the sound of his siren, conservation coordinator for coastal fisheries, Bob Spain set loose the national championships for aluminum canoes and marked the opening of the new, inland Wilbarger Paddling Trail. It’s accessible to all levels of paddlers, so you can come out to enjoy the scenery that the racers passed up for the finish line.

The new trail is on the Colorado River, of course. It starts about 14 miles from the city of Bastrop. It’s a meandering stream with no real difficulty; no major rapids. It’s just kind of a unique area. There’s a few islands in there, a few little rock gardens, and a lot of bird life there. It’s just a fun thing to do. You can go to areas you can’t get with a car, you can experience wildlife you’ll never get to see, and until you’ve experienced a float trip, you just don’t know it’s out there.

And that perch from your boat—gliding past the landscape, feeling the spray of water—offers a personal connection with nature. [canoe gliding in water_sfx]

It just gives people an opportunity to know about a segment and to appreciate the river. We’ll all be more conscious of trying to save and preserve as people know it’s out there.

Learn more at See you on the river!

That’s our show…with research and writing help from Sarah Loden… For Texas Parks and Wildlife…I’m Cecilia Nasti.