Hiking with Man’s Best Friend
Wednesday, May 12th, 2010This is Passport to Texas
For everyone out there who has ever had trouble finding a hiking companion, Melissa Gaskill suggests you may want to consider recruiting your dog.
It’s just great for the dog. I mean so many people have dogs and the dogs don’t get enough stimulation and exercise and interaction; and rather than having to do something like take them to a dog park where you’re just doing something for the dog – this is something for both of you.
Gaskill is the author of Best Hikes with Dogs Texas Hill Country and Gulf Coast. She says it’s easy to start hiking with man’s best friend.
You don’t need any special skills really. If you haven’t done it, don’t start with a twenty-five mile overnight. But for the most part, if you can carry a backpack with some water in it and you’ve got some shoes on – you can go.
Before heading out, to a state park, Gaskill recommends doing some research to make sure that dogs are allowed and that the trail is right for you.
Every park has some management. Whoever is in charge of it, whoever owns it, and they’ll have their own rules. You just have to ask. One thing that I would recommend is talking to the people at the park when you go for a variety of reasons. Ask them about the conditions of the trail. You might ask them what sorts of hazards there are. You can ask them about the weather. You know, people at the parks are really knowledgeable, they’re there and in general, they love to talk to you.
Dogs are welcome in state parks across Texas but leashes are required.
That’s our show… For Texas Parks and Wildlife…I’m Cecilia Nasti.
Prepping Your Pooch for a Camping Trip