Fishing: Fish Free in Parks
Monday, June 3rd, 2013
Free Fishing in State Parks
This is Passport to Texas
June 3rd through 9th is National Fishing and Boating week. The Recreational Boating and Fishing Foundation — or RBFF –promotes this week as a way to increase participation in recreational angling and boating.
The non-profit hopes that by improving public awareness citizens will protect, conserve, and restore this nation’s aquatic natural resources. Research indicates people who engage the out of doors safeguard it.
One way RBFF does this is by promoting Free Fishing Day on the first Saturday of June. Most states allow people with or without a license to fish for free in their state’s waters on that one day. In Texas, we fish free every day when casting a line in a water body inside a Texas state park.
That’s why we didn’t make a fuss about Free Fishing Day this year. The ability to fish free 365 days a year in state parks, without needing a fishing license, is yet another benefit of living in Texas. Having said that, you must follow size and bag limits, and when it’s trout stocking time, you will need a trout stamp to reel in the rainbows.
Some parks even offer tackle loaner programs, so if you don’t have gear, no problem.
Whether you catch and release, or bring fish home for dinner, make plans to go to an inland or coastal state park and cast a line during National Fishing and Boating week or any week…because you fish free in state parks.
That’s our show…we receive support from the Sport Fish Restoration Program…working to increase boating and fishing opportunities in Texas.
For Texas Parks and Wildlife…I’m Cecilia Nasti.