Archive for October 23rd, 2013

Nature: Master Naturalist Program

Wednesday, October 23rd, 2013

Master naturalist notes, Photo by Sheryl Smith Rodgers

Master naturalist notes, Photo by Sheryl Smith Rodgers

This is Passport to Texas

Protecting Texas’ vast habitat and wildlife resources requires effort from all Texans.

09—Well, as a state agency, we are constrained by our budget, and so we can’t possibly put as many eyes in the sky and boots on the ground as we need.

Kelley Bender, a parks and wildlife Urban Biologist in Central Texas, encourages folks to learn about and conserve resources by becoming a Master Naturalist.

22—The Texas Master Naturalist Program is a really exciting way for people to get involved in nature and wildlife in the state of Texas. There’s a nine-week course that’s provided by professionals in the field, where they get training that includes classroom training as well as field trips. And then we ask for a commitment back to provide 40 hours of volunteer service a year.

Master Naturalist training prepares you to be a leader in community-based conservation efforts.

19—Most chapters offer a get-to-know you class where they introduce all the topics that are going to be discussed. They also talk about what the commitment is and what will be expected of the students as well as what will be expected of the program. And all people are welcome and invited to join. We ask that people be 18 years and over.

Find the Texas Master Naturalist chapter nearest you at

That’s our show… For Texas Parks and Wildlife…I’m Cecilia Nasti.