Parks: Being Flexible When Implementing Change
Tuesday, January 20th, 2015
This is Passport to Texas
A master plan—featuring new construction on higher ground—gives visitors to flood prone Mother Neff State Park, near Waco, a place to camp, picnic and hike, even when waters rise. Construction started in August 2013 and will wrap up this month. Project manager, Maureen Barcinski, says by being flexible they were able to balance the functional needs of the visitors with the protection of the natural and cultural resources in the newly developed areas.
It was a fascinating project. Because then you swing the [camping] loop around this way, you’re like: ‘Oh, wait. We’ve got to miss that CCC stone wall here.’ And so, the project evolves through – I think – a series of investigations on the site. We have a lot of architects and people that know buildings and know design. And our master planners know appropriately sized structures to house the needs [functions] of the park. So, it’s a collaborative team effort. It’s fascinating. It’s a very exciting process.
The park celebrates its grand reopening Friday, January 23. Find details on the Texas Parks and Wildlife website.
Tomorrow: History inside a camping loop.
For Texas Parks and Wildlife…I’m Cecilia Nasti.