2018 Spring Turkey
This is Passport to Texas
If you were in the field on opening day of spring turkey season, you might have wondered, “Where are the birds?
According to biologists with Texas Parks and Wildlife, field observations prior to the opener suggested hens were playing hard to get and showing little receptivity to Toms and breeding.
Jason Hardin, Upland Game Bird Program specialist, said hens’ interest picked up near opening day of the season, effectively hampering a hunter’s chances of luring love-struck gobblers.
He adds that by now, most hens should be bred and hunting ought to be good from the time the toms leave the roost until they go back up for the night.
Biologists report habitat conditions throughout the state look promising. One region of concern, however, is the Rolling Plains, where the landscape is very dry with limited rain in the last six months.
The regular spring season for Rio Grande turkey continues through April 29 in the South zone. The North Zone general season runs through May 13.
Eastern spring turkey hunting in counties with an open season is April 15-May 14. Hunters must report harvest of eastern turkeys electronically to TPW within 24 hours of harvest. Reports can be made through the TPW My Texas Hunt Harvest App or online from the Texas Parks and Wildlife turkey page
The Wildlife restoration Program supports our series.
For Texas Parks and Wildlife…I’m Cecilia Nasti.