TPW TV: State Parks
This is Passport to Texas
The Parks and Wildlife television series is a menu of things to do outdoors. Offerings in November include: stories about scuba diving…and game wardens that fight environmental crime…and people who count frogs…
And every show in November we’re going to hit a state park.
Don Cash is Series Producer…
And one of the state parks is down in the valley in Weslaco, Texas. It’s Estero Llano Grande State Park, and it’s part of the World Birding Center.
On just a regular day you can sit on this deck for an hour or two and easily spot thirty to forty species of birds.
And one of the big draws is not a bird, it’s the alligators they have living in the park.
Yes, we do have a few alligators—they’re a major attraction, and we’re hoping that really pulls in some of the locals.
Also in November we’re going to Lake Bob Sandlin State Park which is about 2 hours east of Dallas. Fishing is one of the big draws there, obviously. They’ve got a small stock pond, which is great for kids, and then the lake itself is known for bass.
Just about anywhere you fish could be good. There’s almost not a bad looking spot on the lake…a place that doesn’t look like it will hold a bass or two. I’ve loved it for years.
So, in November, we show you a lot of places to go, and a lot of things to do. And, of course, one of those is fall camping—we always encourage that.
Thanks, Don.
That’s our show… For Texas Parks and Wildlife…I’m Cecilia Nasti.