State Parks: Park Improvements
This is Passport to Texas
There’s good news coming from state parks. Money earmarked by the legislature in years past for improvements in state parks is finally being put to use. Our state park guide, Bryan Frazier has details.
61—So, I think people maybe who have not been to a park in awhile—maybe since last year—will find some pretty interesting things that they like. Things that are really important to them. Things like new and improved camp sites, new and improved restrooms. Fifty amp service on electric sites for big RVs in a lot of our parks. Things that really will impact a person’s park experience when they get there.
Because that’s what people want to see, because it’s just like anything else—it’s customer service. When people get to the park, I think what they’re going to find on the other side of the gate that awaits them are newer and nicer facilities.
Money from past biennium that’s just now being spent so that they’re park experience is better. Their campsite is maybe a little bigger. They’ve got a nicer electric hook-up or a full hook-up campsite that maybe a year ago was only water and electricity. We had more than 40 state parks tht got these capital repairs and improvements. And I think when people get out there this outdoor recreation season beginning in the spring, they’ll find some good things they like.
Thanks, Bryan.
That’s our show for today…with funding provided by Chevrolet, supporting outdoor recreation in Texas; because there’s life to be done.
For Texas Parks and Wildlife I’m Cecilia Nasti.