Archive for the 'Boating' Category

Safety on the Water: The Rules Have Changed

Thursday, August 4th, 2011

This is Passport to Texas

06—We changed some of the wording so that those of you that do paddle craft or paddle boards, have to have a life jacket on board.

That’s a new requirement included in a new mandatory boater education law…which everyone thought would take effect September 1.

04—The legislation, when it was signed by the governor, was enacted immediately.

So head’s up. Tim Spice manages the boater education program for Parks and Wildlife. Anyone born on or after September 1, 1993, must take boater education, but Game wardens won’t be writing citations for violators right away.

20—Well, right now the game wardens are doing an education process since it is a new law, and they’ll do that for quite a few months just so people who don’t know the law has taken effect have a chance to learn about that. But after that, some of these are like misdemeanors like a traffic ticket. You have to go before a judge and adjudicate the process. And all the fees are different depending on the level of safety violation.

Texas’ state-approved boater education course is available online, or in a one-day class. Find information on the TPW website. Supporters of the law say it will save lives and make crowded waters safer. And one more word on life jackets.

11—Life jackets today are stylish, form fitting; there are some inflatable’s that don’t take up any space—it looks like you’re wearing a fanny pack. So, I’d like to tell people there is no reason not to wear a life jacket when you’re on the water.

The Sport Fish and Wildlife Restoration Program supports our series. For Texas Parks and Wildlife…I’m Cecilia Nasti.

New Mandatory Boater Education Requirements

Wednesday, August 3rd, 2011

This is Passport to Texas

A boom in water recreation and accidents prompted passage of a new state law requiring mandatory boater education.

17—What that means is, if you were born on or after Sept. 1, 1993, you will be required to take boater education to operate a boat or a vessel over 15 HP, and a windblown vessel like a sailboat over 14 feet.

Tim Spice manages the boater education program for Texas Parks and Wildlife. Previously, only 13- to 17-year olds had to complete a boating safety course to operate a vessel, such as personal watercraft, without adult supervision.

18—Now to operate a personal watercraft, if you are under 13 you have to have someone 18 years of age or older on board, and they have to be able to legally operate themselves. Used to be you could go out there with someone under 18 if they were certified. But that’s changed also.

Texas’ state-approved boater education course is available online.

16—You can get on there. Take the class. Take the test. And then receive a temporary certification and you can go right out. We have courses offered by volunteers, employees. We list those courses as they’re offered, so you can come to our website if you prefer having an instructor help you out.

The new mandatory boater education law is currently in effect. Tomorrow: What happens if you’re caught without certification.

The Sport Fish and Wildlife Restoration Program supports our series.

For Texas Parks and Wildlife…I’m Cecilia Nasti.

Boater Safety–Six Things

Thursday, June 16th, 2011

This is Passport to Texas

If you’re someone who likes lists, we have one that’s perfect to post on the fridge.

07— That’s right. Our Nobody’s Waterproof campaign says ‘enjoy a great day on the water, and here’re six tips to help you do that.’

Laurie Connally is the Parks and Wildlife boater education specialist for Central Texas. These common sense tips include 1) wear a life jacket, 2) drink responsibly and designate a sober boat driver, 3) obey boating signs and rules, 4) drink plenty of water, 5) keep the proper gear on board, and 6) never boat or swim alone. With respect to the last tip, Connally recommends filing a float plan.

13—it tells the basic information: where you’re going, when you’re leaving, who’s on the boat with you, and what time you expect to be back. And then you leave that with someone so that if for any reason you’re not back, there’s someone saying, ‘Hey, we need to go look for these folks.’

Telling people where you’re going will give them a starting place to look for you if you’re late in returning home. Connally also recommends having a GPS with you—many smart phones come with them. A GPS can help you find your way back in case you get turned around. However, she says the best tip of all:

02—We really encourage them to take a boater safety class.

Find boater safety class information on the Texas Parks and Wildlife website.

And remember: Nobody’s Waterproof…

For Texas Parks and Wildlife…I’m Cecilia Nasti

Boater Safety

Wednesday, June 15th, 2011

This is Passport to Texas

Boating safety is Laurie Connally’s business.

11— My primary goal and purpose is to educate and train volunteer boater education instructors who can then go out and offer classes and spread the word about boating safety to other individuals.

Connally is the Parks and Wildlife boater education specialist for Central Texas. Because boating is generally a carefree recreational activity she says people will forget to exercise caution.

12—I think a lot of people just don’t understand the responsibilities involved. A lot of the boats have a lot of power, and even if you’re using something like a paddle boat, there are other boaters out there who may or may not be aware of the laws and rules and regulations.

To learn your responsibility when on the water, Connally says nothing beats taking a boater safety class. And she recommends making it a family affair.

11—Mom, dad, children—they’re going home and talking about it. They get to take great materials home with them. And they can compare their stories, and I think it would be a really good opportunity for them to learn together.

When you know the rules and etiquette for spending time on the water, you and everyone around you—even if they’re clueless—will be safer for it.

Six things you should know when you’re on the water—that’s tomorrow.

Remember: Nobody’s Waterproof…For Texas Parks and Wildlife…I’m Cecilia Nasti

Boating Safety: Don’t Drink & Boat

Friday, July 16th, 2010

During hot summer days when you’re zipping around in a boat on a Texas Lake, a cold adult beverage could really hit the spot. While it may be legal, research suggests boat operators should avoid drinking while boating.

06—National statistics show that upwards of fifty percent of boating accidents involve alcohol.

Steve Hall is Education Director at Parks and Wildlife. The good news is Texans are involved in fewer alcohol related boating accidents than the national average.

15—In fact, it’s down around 10% in Texas. But still again, alcohol is involved way too many accidents.

Hall says everyone on a boat needs to keep their alcohol consumption in check.

08—If you’re the operator of the boat, you’re going to have to try and avoid it. Even the passengers should not overindulge, because they’re the proper boat lookouts.

The most common cause of a boating accident is failure to have a proper boat lookout, which is basically the failure to see what’s in front of you—like a stump, a dock, or another boat.

11—It usually happens on clear days. It usually happens on calmer waters. So, we know that those boating accidents could be prevented by having a second person on board that’s avoiding alcohol as well.

That’s our show… We receive support from the Sport Fish and Wildlife Restoration Program…working to increase fishing and boating opportunities in Texas…For Texas Parks and Wildlife…I’m Cecilia Nasti.