Archive for the 'SFWR' Category

Resolutions for Anglers

Wednesday, December 30th, 2009

This is passport to Texas

We’re on the threshold of 2010, a time when a lot of us make resolutions to do better and be better in the New Year. If you’re wondering what to resolve this year—we have a suggestion:

Today we have so many things competing for our time, and fishing can be such a wonderful activity…resolve to take a child fishing.

Gary Saul is with Inland fisheries. He says while grownups take kids fishing to stir their imaginations—we get just as much satisfaction from the experience.

When a child catches a fish…to watch them reel it in…to pick it up and to look at you and then get excited about when are we going fishing again… it’s great fun.

And if you’ve resolved to remain faithful to a budget in 2010, you’ll be glad to know it’s free to fish state parks. Some locations even have a tackle loaner program. So resolve to take your kids fishing soon—a good time will be had by all.

Woo…you’ve got a bass. Whoa…that’s bigger than mine…I think. Did ya get him in? Woo, okay. Get a catfish? No, it’s a bass. Whoa…my dad gonna be happy.

Our show is made possible with a grant from the Sport Fish Restoration Program…working to increase fishing, and boating opportunities in Texas.

For Texas Parks and Wildlife…Cecilia Nasti

Hunter’s Resolutions

Wednesday, December 23rd, 2009

This is Passport to Texas

As the holiday season winds down, it’s time to start thinking about the year ahead. And for most of us, that includes making few resolutions. Terry Erwin has suggestions for hunters.

First off, hunters ought to think ahead and plan for their trips for the upcoming year.

Erwin oversees hunter education at Parks and Wildlife.

Certification is required for a lot of out of states. And you need to get that certification done. So get your hunter ed completed early…get it out of the way…you only have to take it once.

But the resolutions for hunters don’t stop there.

If you talk about a resolution, then we want that instructor who’s going to teach a class to convey to the students, number one – resolve to always point that muzzle in a safe direction. Always treat every firearm as if it’s loaded, and always identify your target before you shoot, what’s in front of it and what’s beyond it. Any other resolutions ought to be: if you’re going to take an animal you ought to consumer it. If you’re not going to consume it then give it to Hunters for the Hungry where it can be consumed by those who really need it.

Our show is made possible by the Wildlife Restoration Program…working to increase hunting and shooting opportunities in Texas.

For Texas Parks and Wildlife…Cecilia Nasti

Fly-Fishing = Artful Angling

Monday, December 14th, 2009

This is passport to Texas

There are those who define fly-fishing as angling for trout in the Northwest US; but not Tink Pinkard.

In the Hill Country of Texas, and in particular South Texas, there are several rivers and streams that harbor several large populations of smallmouth, largemouth and sun perch. For instance, here in downtown Austin, it’s quite possibly the best urban fishery here in the United States.

Pinkard, a hunting and fishing guide and avid fly-fisher, considers fly-fishing artful angling.

You’re actually making and forming the flies; so it’s a lot more hands on and its more of an art form.

Like art, fly-fishing takes time to master.

It’s all about the process of learning to fly-fish instead of just, as we call it, chunking junk (laughter)

Pinkard says don’t let the process get you down; with perseverance, you will become proficient.

It’s just more patience in the end, and probably more practice to get the technique down. Because, as with any fishing, it’s the proper introduction that will get the fish to take your lure—or your fly, if you will. And with anything, practice makes perfect. So, as you practice more with the fly rod, you start to get the ability that you would have with the commercial tackle.

That’s our show… we receive support from the Sport Fish Restoration program…which funds fisheries research in Texas.

For Texas Parks and Wildlife…I’m Cecilia Nasti.

Out of State Hunting Trips

Friday, December 11th, 2009

This is Passport to Texas

As good as hunting is in Texas—sometimes a person just wants a change of scenery. That’s when hunters set their sites beyond state lines.

The first thing you need to do when you go out of state is find out what’s required—as far as legal requirements for hunter education. And make sure you do that well in advance.

Otherwise, says hunter education coordinator, Terry Erwin, you could be out of luck.

So many times we get called [where people say], ‘Well, I need a class to go to Colorado, and I’m leaving tomorrow.’ And that will not work.

Texas has reciprocal hunter education agreements with every state.

Weather usually isn’t a big concern when hunting at home, but when you go out of state to places like Colorado or Idaho—that changes—and so should you.

When you’re going up there, you’re going into multiple different types of weather. Carry clothing that you can actually dress fort the conditions as they change. Your feet are your most important aspect up there. Always carry a minimum of two pair of boots: one pair of waterproof boots, one pair of good hiking boots, and at least two changes of socks per day.

Find hunting information on the Texas Parks and Wildlife website.

Our show…receives support from the Sport Fish and Wildlife Restoration Program…funded by your purchase of hunting and fishing equipment and motorboat fuel…For Texas Parks and Wildlife I’m Cecilia Nasti.

Hunters for the Hungry

Thursday, December 10th, 2009

This is Passport to Texas

Texas hunters are not only conservationists, they are also philanthropists who help feed hungry Texans.

This past season, we had 192,040 pounds of meat donated, which is the most that we have had donated in one season.

That translated to more than 768-thousand quarter-pound servings of ground venison. Anitra Hendricks coordinates the Hunters for the Hungry program, administered by the Texas Association of Community Action Agencies.

The way that the meat processors package it is in two pound servings. Some of the pantries will use the venison in soups, or they will use it in spaghetti, or they may just hand out the individual packages.

Hunters taking part, bring donated deer to participating processors, and pay a small processing fee.

He can request a receipt if he’s not automatically given one; and that receipt will be for what he paid for the processing. That cost may or may not be tax deductible. And that is up to the hunter to contact a tax consultant.

We have links to more information about Hunters for the Hungry at

That’s our show, made possible by a grant from the Sport fish and Wildlife Restoration Program…working to increase fishing, boating, shooting and hunting in Texas.

For Texas Parks and Wildlife, I’m Cecilia Nasti.

2009-2010 Participating Processors

North Central
Post Oak Savannah
Trans Pecos
Hill Country
South Texas
Oak Prairie/Coastal