Archive for the 'State Parks' Category

Cultural Sensitivity and the Battle of San Jacinto

Friday, April 22nd, 2016
Inscription on San Jacinto Monument

Inscription on San Jacinto Monument

This is Passport to Texas

The Mexican culture is integrated into the fabric of Texas. So, how do we handle something like the anniversary of the Battle of San Jacinto, where we celebrate the Texian Army’s victory over Mexico?

That’s something we’ve been trying to address here at San Jacinto.

Boyd Harris is a park interpreter at San Jacinto Battlegrounds and State historic Site in La Porte.

In the past it has been more of a centric, white Texan kind of history. But, nowadays, we like to commemorate and honor both sides. We’re more about education here, as well as the memory of these soldiers. The Mexican Army, itself—half the army was conscripts—and so they weren’t volunteers. But they weren’t the only people of Mexican decent at the battlefield. There were also Tejanos fighting on the Texian Army side, so we want to talk about them. Juan Seguin and his Tejano company is in the very forefront of the battle, and we want to talk about those guys. Because this is a revolution—and revolutions are messy. They’re complex, and we want to give due respect and due remembrance to all those involved with it.

We commemorate the battle of San Jacinto and all those involved on Saturday April 23 at the San Jacinto Battlegrounds and State Historic Site in La Porte.

Find details in the calendar section of the Texas Parks and Wildlife website.

For Texas Parks and Wildlife…I’m Cecilia Nasti

Fido Free Enchanted Rock

Tuesday, April 19th, 2016
Enchanted Rock

Enchanted Rock

This is Passport to Texas

Visitors to Enchanted Rock State Natural Area may bring their dogs with them – as long as it’s not to the top of the granite dome.

I’m a dog lover – I have two dogs – and I can’t take my dogs up there either, anymore.

Doug Cochran, superintendent at Enchanted Rock State Natural Area, says a new regulation went into effect March first; it prohibits visitors from taking their dogs to the summit in order to protect the fairy shrimp that live in the vernal pools atop the dome.

We want to protect these precious resources for future generations. I want my grand kids and my grand kids’ grand kids to come up and have the same experience on top of Enchanted Rock, looking at these fairy shrimp that the kids are have now.

Visitors have unwittingly upset the fragile ecosystems on E-Rock by allowing their pets to drink from, and relieve themselves too close to, the pools—thus polluting the water. Even so, dogs are welcome.

On our loop trail there’s a 4.5 mile walk. You can take dogs out there, and they can get really good exercise, and you can see really great parts of Enchanted Rock on our loop trail that a lot of people don’t get to see because they just go up to the summit and come down.

Find a link to the new regulation for Enchanted Rock at

For Texas Parks and Wildlife…I’m Cecilia Nasti

Enchanted Rock and Rover

Monday, April 18th, 2016
Enchanted Rock

Hiking Enchanted Rock.

This is Passport to Texas

You’ll find fragile ecosystems called vernal pools on the summit of Enchanted Rock.

They’re little formations—weathering pits that have formed over the years—and they’ll collect rainwater. And there are little lifeforms that grow in them: fairy shrimp and other invertebrates. And, it’s their own little, small ecosystem in there.

Dough Cochran is superintendent at Enchanted Rock State Natural Area in the Texas Hill Country.

A scientist was doing some tests on invertebrates – testing the different kinds of algae that were present in the water. And he notices over the past three or four years that blue-green algae had been increasing in these pools of waters. And that’s an indication of pollution.

Pollution caused unintentionally by visitors who bring their dogs to hike the summit with them, and then interact with the vernal pools.

We see a lot of pets and humans going in these waters and wading through them, drinking out of them (the people don’t drink out of them, but the pets do) and in some cases they’re doing things they’re not supposed to be doing in there.

Animal waste that seeps into the pools raises the nitrogen level of the water, and disrupts ecosystem stability.

Tomorrow, learn of a new regulation intended to help nature regain her balance on Enchanted Rock.

For Texas Parks and Wildlife…I’m Cecilia Nasti

The Battle of San Jacinto

Monday, April 11th, 2016

Battle of San Jacinto reenactors.

This is Passport to Texas

The Battle of San Jacinto was only 18 minutes long, but it ended the nearly seven month long Texas Revolution.

Because of Sam Houston’s victory here at San Jacinto, Texas would be its own nation – an independent republic – for almost 10 years.

Park interpreter, Boyd Harris, says we commemorate the battle of the Texians against Mexican General Santa Anna’s Army with a ceremony and reenactment at the San Jacinto Battlegrounds and State Historic Site in La Porte.

The best thing about the reenactment is you actually get to see our reenactors out there dressed as they would have been in 1836—both Texian Army reenactors and Mexican reenactors. You get a better sense of—in our opinion—the primitive nature of their weapons. Short range. The Mexican Army weaponry was only effect up to about 50, 100 yards. Which, in modern day battles is inconceivable to us. You get the idea that idea that this battle was more on a personal level. You could actually see the man across the field. I think that’s the best kind of thing to spark the imagination. To spark the curiosity in the visitor. To learn more about who these men were, how they lived and how they fought, and also how they died.

The commemorative ceremony is April 21—the 180 year anniversary of the battle; the reenactment and festival is on April 23.

Find details in the calendar section of the Texas Parks and Wildlife website.

That’s our show for today… Funding provided in part by Ram Trucks. Guts. Glory. Ram

For Texas Parks and Wildlife…I’m Cecilia Nasti

Calling Critters at Night

Thursday, March 31st, 2016
Tree limbs.

You never know what you might see in the treetops at night.

This is Passport to Texas

Wildlife viewing at night presents a challenge. Yet, some species become more vocal when the sun sets, and will “talk to you” and even come into view if you know how to speak their language. State park interpreter, Kelly Lauderdale, has a few tips for enticing wildlife to come out of the shadows.

There are apps you can download for free or for minimal cost – like Audubon Reptiles. I use it for my night hikes to play those calls and to identify those different calls. Visitors can easily use those themselves. And this is what I do on my hike: I play the call, and do it for a little while and see if anything answers. If using a recorded call – and animals might call back – but does that ever draw the animals to you? And if it does, what should you do? I have had success with calling in an eastern screech owl. So, I play the call, it answers back, and it comes in. If you’re lucky you may be able to see the full owl sitting up in the tree talking to you. In that case – enjoy it! Don’t shine your flashlight up and blind him or her. Just sit and listen and enjoy and then go on.

State parks frequently offer guided night hikes. Find one near you on the Texas Parks and Wildlife website.

For Texas Parks and Wildlife, I’m Cecilia Nasti.