Park Volunteers: State parks are on the lookout for talented, helpful people. We'll tell you how to put your time to use, coming up on Passport To Texas. Passport to Texas from Texas Parks and Wildlife. Just because summer is coming an end, doesn't mean state parks are any less busy. Texas state parks and historic sites are always looking for volunteers year-round. "Well without our volunteers, some of our parks couldn't operate. We have about 200 parks hosts or volunteer opportunities for about 120 state parks." Carolyn Gonzales heads up TPWD's volunteer program, which provides park lovers an opportunity to give something back to their favorite state park. "Park volunteers provide campground services and visitor services in the office. Opportunities to serve as tour guides or interpreters and perform facility and trail maintenance." Texas Parks and Wildlife Department estimates that state park volunteers save the agency roughly 7-million dollars a year in labor costs. And unlike most businesses, state parks are open 365 days a year and need to be staffed to keep up with the demand. "We have many volunteers that flock to Texas in the winter months and provide great assistance there, but in the summer months our parks are very full and we are lacking support services we need." To learn how you can volunteer at a state park near you, come to For Texas Parks and Wildlife, I'm Cecilia Nasti.