EARLY TEAL, 1: Taking aim at an early migratory waterfowl ... details ahead on Passport to Texas ... Passport to Texas from Texas Parks and Wildlife Fall hunting started with dove season on September first, and continues September 17 with a nine day early teal season. "Teal are an early migrant species of waterfowl that come through Texas -- usually in September is when you see a big bunch of birds pushing through here. They're one of the earliest migrant species that we have." Dave Morrison is waterfowl program leader for Texas Parks and Wildlife. Of the three teal species found in Texas, the blue winged teal is most plentiful. Before the creation of early teal season, Blue winged teal were not as available for hunters. Morrison says that's because the "big duck" season started too late and ended too early for teal's migratory habits. Biologists monitor movement, survival rates and harvest rates of migratory species like blue winged teal through banding programs. Years ago we started doing research on this, and saw that the band returns are very low for blue wings, and because they're not available during the regular duck season -- a lot of times they're already through here and gone -- and they're one of the most populous ducks, as well as one of the ones that has the lowest band reporting rates, it makes sense biologically that you can take advantage for these birds. So that's the reason why we have September teal season. Tomorrow: how Mother Nature can play foul with early teal season. That's our show ... made possible by a grant from the Sport Fish and Wildlife restoration Program ... for Texas Parks and Wildlife ... I'm Cecilia Nasti.