HUNTER EDUCATION VOLUNTEERS: If hunting has made a positive impact in your life - pass it on ... we'll explain on Passport to Texas ... Passport to Texas from Texas Parks and Wildlife Hunters -- consider giving something back to the sport that's given so much to you; become a volunteer hunter education instructor. Men and women, twenty one years old or older who complete the student hunter education course, a game warden interview, and the instructor workshop are eligible to teach. "Once all three of those steps are complete, and your paperwork is sent in, and we process that, you can start teaching once you receive your certification packet." Heidi Rao is a hunter education specialist in Dickenson. She says once certified, volunteer instructors continue to receive support from Texas Parks and Wildlife. "We are here for you, to find you people to teach within your areas. And we've got field staff around the state who help the newer instructors get started and get their first classes off the ground." Rao adds, the rewards of becoming a volunteer instructor are many. "The gratification they receive from seeing those students light up when they learn a new concept, or actually hit a target when they do a live fire exercise, is just priceless. And that's what keeps our instructors coming back." There's a link to information on becoming a volunteer hunter education instructor at That's our show. Made possible by a grant from the Sport Fish and Wildlife restoration Program ... for Texas Parks and Wildlife ... I'm Cecilia Nasti.