BUFFALO DAYS: Visit the home where buffalo still roam ... we'll explain on Passport to Texas ... Passport to Texas from Texas Parks and Wildlife Their population no longer numbers in the tens of millions, yet we celebrate the noble buffalo during Buffalo Days, October 14t and 15, at Caprock Canyon State Park. "The reason that we're having Buffalo Days is that we would like to get more information out about the Texas State Bison Herd here at the park. " Carolyn Rose, park interpreter, says the herd of fifty-nine animals is genetically similar to bison that roamed the southern plains in pioneer days. "They were captured here in the late 1800's, and they've been maintained on the JA Ranch all of this time. So these are the offspring of those original bison that were captured by Charles Goodnight and Mary Ann Goodnight's brothers." Friday's living history presentation is: Ramblings of a Buffalo Hunter, and Saturday ... "The first program is buffalo gals, and that will be two-parts. First it will be Frieda Hughes, and she's going to be doing the Comanche Captive. Then the second part of buffalo gals will be Mary Ann Goodnight. And then the Texas State Bison Herd, our bison ranger, C.L. Hawkins, will actually do that. And that's the interactive discussion. " Rose says she hopes everyone who attends will leave with a sense of pride. "This particular bison herd is the official Texas State Bison Herd, so it's their herd. So I would want them to really understand how unique this herd is, and that it's really a part of our Texas cultural heritage." Visit the Texas Parks and Wildlife Events Calendar for more information. That's our show ... for Texas Parks and Wildlife ... I'm Cecilia Nasti.