CADDOAN MOUNDS: Experience life as the Caddoan people did ... we'll explain on Passport to Texas ... __________________________________________________ Passport to Texas from Texas Parks and Wildlife Among the visitors to the Caddoan Mounds State Historic site west of Nacogdoches, two extremes have emerged. "One is the people that look out over the grounds and the mounds and remark, 'Oh, I can hear the songs; I can smell the smoke.' The other extreme looks out the backdoor and say, 'What's out there? Is that just a pile of dirt?' Well, that's when I have to work and earn my money. " And Jim Herold enjoys earning his money. He introduces visitors to the ancient Caddo people who built a village and burial mounds at the location. "North American mounds were earthen structures; they served two purposes. One type - and we have one of that type here - is the burial mound. The other type is ceremonial, and we have two ceremonial mounds here. " Although the Caddo had hundreds of chiefs in the five hundred years they occupied the site, only the elite of the elite - or approximately 90 chiefs -- were interred in the burial mound. "Here we have the Caddo equivalent of Washington, Jefferson, Lincoln ... not all the chiefs, just certain very special ones are buried there." On October 15 visit the site during its Pinywoods Archeology Fair, and immerse yourself in an ancient culture through activities and demonstrations. "Although their culture was somewhat different from us, as fellow human beings, we are more alike than we are different." You can find directions to the site on the TPWD website. go outside and play ... For Texas Parks and Wildlife ... I'm Cecilia Nasti.