RANCH HERITAGE: A trip to the Hill Country State Natural Area this month will put you in touch with your inner rancher ... we'll explain on Passport to Texas ... __________________________________________ Passport to Texas from Texas Parks and Wildlife Ranching and Texas go together like chips and salsa. It's hard to imagine one without the other. On October 29 and 30, the Hill Country State Natural Area Partners host Ranch Heritage weekend at the site, ten miles west of Bandera. Bobby Reynolds is president of the friends group. "The Ranch Heritage Weekend is really an offshoot of the TPWD Lone Star Legacy Weekend program that they had been sponsoring statewide for many years." The nearly 6-thousand acre site had been a working ranch before being deeded to the state. Activities planned during Ranch Heritage Weekend will put visitors in touch with their inner cowboy and rancher. "We're going to be having chuck wagon cooking; there'll be some trail rides that the partners group will be hosting and leading. We'll also have trick ropers, cowboy storytellers, cowboy singers and poets. And then at the partners arena - which is the full sized arena that the partners group built and donated to the park last year - we will be sponsoring a play day event with some horseback speed events and equestrian events in the arena itself, so it's going to be a lot of fun out there." It's a free family event that Bobby Reynolds says it will be a unique experience. "There's not that many big ranches left. So to see some of the old facilities that are still out there that used to be used in a real private ranching enterprise, is something that you just don't see very much anymore. " Visit the events calendar on the Texas Parks and Wildlife web site for more information: http://www.tpwd.state.tx.us That's our show ... for Texas Parks and Wildlife ... I'm Cecilia Nasti.