WHOOPER VIDEO & DVD: Keep an eye on the sky, or on your television screen, for whooping cranes ... we'll explain on Passport to Texas ___________________________________________________ Passport to Texas from Texas Parks and Wildlife The whooping crane, an endangered species, is a tall, willowy bird. "The whooping crane is the tallest bird in North America, standing about five foot tall." Lee Ann Linam is a biologist for the wildlife diversity program at Texas Parks and Wildlife. Whoopers are pure white, except for black wingtips ... . "And a bit of a red and black pattern on the face. They're very, very magnificent - long neck, long legs, very sleek and beautiful in flight. And have a kind of a bugling sort of voice." Last year we lost two whooping cranes in migration, killed by sandhill crane hunters who misidentified them. So, to help hunters recognize these and other migratory species, Texas Parks and Wildlife created an educational video and DVD. "And it consists of a series of clips of birds that might appear similar to our wintering geese and sandhill cranes. And allows hunters to recognize some of the differences; patterns and flights and colors, and shape that would let a hunter be better able to make a good judgment in determining whether to make a shot or not in the field." The 17-minute program is available free to hunter education instructors, and for ten dollars plus shipping to the public. Contact the agency's wildlife diversity program for more information, at 512-912-7011. That's our show for today ... made possible by a grant from the Sport Fish and Wildlife Restoration program ... For Texas Parks and Wildlife ... I'm Cecilia Nasti.