CHRISTMAS AT THE MISSION: Music ... history ... and the holiday season in Goliad...details ahead on Passport to Texas ... ________________________________________________________ Passport to Texas from Texas Parks and Wildlife Tomorrow (December 3) from 8 to 9 p.m., experience the sights and sounds of the holiday season at Mission Espirito Santo in Goliad during Christmas at the Mission. "The Beeville Community Chorus come in and puts on this musical extravaganza." Mary Livingston oversees interpretation at the site. Admission is 2-dollars for adults and a dollar for seniors and children. State Park Pass holders get in free. "We decorate the whole interior of the chapel to get this beautiful ambience. Candles in the sconces on the walls, and decorations on the inside of the chapel. The natural acoustics can really take your breath away when we have this choir in there performing." After the performance be sure to take a walk on the "historic side", and stroll along the Christmas Lighted History Trail in the mission compound. "We have taken the significant time periods of the life of the mission, and we have literally cut them out, and painted these time periods, and we have them situated on the grounds, and we light them up." All month long, from dark until 10 p.m., visitors can view these historic images, ranging from early Native Americans to the present. "And so it's telling you the time period all the way up to when Texas Parks and Wildlife will actually take over the site. And they're all lit up and they cast these incredible shadows." There's more information about these events in the calendar section of the Texas Parks and Wildlife web site. That's our show for today ... For Texas Parks and Wildlife ... I'm Cecilia Nasti.