FANTHORP INN TOURS: Experience frontier life at Fanthorp Inn ... we'll tell you how on Passport to Texas ... __________________________________________________________ Passport to Texas from Texas Parks and Wildlife Cathy Nolte, superintendent of Fanthorp Inn State Historic site in Anderson, near Bryan/College Station, says it never fails ... after visitors tour Fanthorp Inn, they have a new appreciation for 21st Century conveniences. "Most people are extremely appreciative of the life that they lead today when they look at the living arrangements and realize the way people had to struggle to survive back then. Absolutely everything was work." Such was life on the Texas frontier when Englishman, Henry Fanthorp bought the property and built his home, which later evolved into a stagecoach inn. "This was an important place for the entire community because it brought the news here to the community, and local people would come here to get that news, to visit with the travelers, to dine here, to experience life here." Each weekend in December, Fanthorp Inn opens for tours, which includes a chance to climb aboard their replica stagecoach. "We rock the coach some so they have an idea of the feel. And, most folks get off the coach and the enjoy the opportunity to ride it and the novelty of it, but they certainly do appreciate their own vehicle quite a bit more." You'll find times and fees for this and other park events on the Texas Parks and Wildlife Web site. That's our show for today ... for Texas Parks and Wildlife ... I'm Cecilia Nasti.