BIRDING AT HUECO TANKS: Experience a unique birding opportunity in the desert ... we'll tell you about it on Passport to Texas ... ______________________________________________________ Passport to Texas from Texas Parks and Wildlife In the desert - wherever you find water - you find life. "It's an oasis in the desert. There is water here, near about year 'round. Which is what attracts the animals and the wildlife and the birds." Texas Parks and Wildlife's Marcia Fulton is talking about Hueco Tanks State Historic site in Big Bend Country -- a place known primarily for its prehistoric pictographs. "These are ancient pictures that have been painted on our rock walls. Some of them being thousands of years old." But on December 18, Hueco Tanks is all about birds, and offers visitors a chance to participate in a Sunday morning birding tour of the site. "Just call up and request it, and then be our here at 8 o'clock when our gates open, and the guide will be here to take you out." Fulton says more than 200 species of birds visit Hueco Tanks, including verdins, Pyrrhuloxia, and even some species you'd never expect. "Right now we have lots of water in one of our pond areas behind our ranch house. And in that we've been seeing coots and great blue herons. So, it's amazing to see these water birds in the middle of the desert." If you plan to attend, reserve your spot now, as the tour is limited to the first 25 people who call. You can find all the contact information on the Texas Parks and Wildlife Web site's vents calendar. That's our show for today ... for Texas Parks and Wildlife ... I'm Cecilia Nasti.