LBJ TREE LIGHTING: Celebrate the season at the LBJ State Park and Historic Site...coming up on Passport to Texas ... __________________________________________________________ Passport to Texas from Texas Parks and Wildlife This Sunday celebrate the season - Hill Country Style -- at the thirty-sixth annual holiday tree lighting at the Lyndon B. Johnson State Park and Historic Site. A gorgeous native cedar will be aglow at the Visitor's Center ... and that's just the beginning. "We actually have bus tours that take you across to the National Park side, and you are able to see the Texas White House lit up - the boyhood home - and the school. And then you can go down to the Sauer Beckman Living History Farm for a candlelit tour through the cabins and also the Sauer home and Beckman home with refreshments and activities as well." Park superintendent, Iris Neffendorf, says interpreters will even don period clothing befitting a 1900's era Texas German farm family. "Then also up at the visitor complex, we also have a gift shop and a bookstore that will be open. We have a lady who is doing ornament painting. And you're able to make your own ornament and take it home. And we'll have live music from the Boerne Village Band, which is the oldest village band in North America. And other entertainment like Santa Claus coming as well." Festivities begins at 6 p.m. Find all details on the events calendar on the TPWD website. That's our show ... For Texas Parks and Wildlife ... I'm Cecilia Nasti.