JOEL BLOCK - GARNER STATE PARK: A listener shares fond memories of a popular state park ... details are ahead on Passport to Texas ... ____________________________________________________________ Passport to Texas from Texas Parks and Wildlife Is there a state park or historic site that's a favorite of yours? If so, tell us about it -- Joel Block did. Joel is a good friend and former host of Passport to Texas. And when I asked him to name his favorite state park, he didn't hesitate... My favorite state park? That's easy: Garner State Park near Concan in South Texas. Just about every summer while our daughter was growing up, we'd meet with my brother-in-law's family in Concan and take all the kids to play and to attend the weekend dance at Garner, where it seemed as if every just about every teenager in the region was having a really good time. We got to know Garner State Park and to appreciate its beauty, as well as the incredible beauty of South Texas in general. And when we weren't hanging out at Garner, we'd be floating that well-named Frio River on a lazy summer afternoon. Well, with the kids all grown up now, we haven't made the trek to Garner in a few years but, it was a magical place then, and I'll bet it still is. You know, this spring might be a good time for us to find out. :49 Thank you Joel. Now it's your turn. Tell us about your favorite state park or historic site. Just visit for contact information. That's our show for today ... thank you for joining us ... For Texas Parks and Wildlife...I'm Cecilia Nasti