TICKS: How can something so small have such an unsettling way of getting under your skin - we'll tell you how on Passport to Texas. ____________________________________________________________ Passport to Texas from Texas Parks and Wildlife Anyone who enjoys the outdoors has probably had a run- in with a tick. [Muscic - Frank Sinatra, "I've Got You Under My Skin"] Under your skin is where this denizen of field and forest embeds its mouth parts to dine ... and the meal is on you ... actually it is you. Ticks are after blood ... but corpuscle cuisine is too thick for them to consume easily. To thin his meal, the tick secretes saliva into the puncture wound ... which is not only disgusting, but potentially dangerous.. because this arthropod harbors bacteria in its gut. Rocky Mountain spotted fever and Lyme disease are two possible outcomes of tick bites. Your first line of defense is a good offense. Wearing long sleeved shirts and long pants with the cuffs tucked into your socks is a start. And donning light colored clothing allows you to spot ticks more quickly. Oh, and don't forget insect repellents. Always use the buddy system to check your body during and after outdoor excursions -- and don't be modest - the ticks aren't. [Music -- Right Said Fred, "I'm Too Sexy"] Get over yourself, already. You can find everything you need to know about ticks and tick-borne diseases at ticktexas.org. That's our show for today ... For Texas Parks and Wildlife ... I'm Cecilia Nasti