FEBRUARY MAGAZINE PREVIEW: Black bear are slowly returning to East Texas. Read about it in the February issues Texas Parks and Wildlife magazine ... details ahead on Passport to Texas ... ____________________________________________________________ Passport to Texas from Texas Parks and Wildlife Black bear have been scarce in East Texas for the better part of a generation; habitat loss has been pegged as the main reason for the species' decline. In the February issue of Texas Parks and Wildlife Magazine, read an engaging article about their comeback. Managing editor, Charles Lohrmann. "We have an amazing story by Joe Nick Patoski about the return of black bears to East Texas. Over the past thirty years, there've been something like fifty verified sightings, and then hundreds of anecdotal sightings of bears throughout East Texas -- particularly in the Big Thicket and the national forests. The bears are moving into east Texas from Louisiana, and they're finding homes in the best habitat in East Texas. And the good thing about that is, is that good bear habitat means healthy forests. So, most people are happy black bear are moving back because that biodiversity means that the natural world is maintaining a balance that will support the bears. In some cases people are concerned about bears because they're afraid they'll be predatory. But in reality it's more likely that a stray dog will hurt you than a bear." The February 2006 issue of the Texas Parks and Wildlife Magazine is on newsstands now. That's our show for today ... for Texas Parks and Wildlife ... I'm Cecilia Nasti.