SOUTHERN PLAINS ROUND-UP: Learn about fun outdoor events at a special state park in the South Texas Plains ... details ahead on Passport to Texas. ___________________________________________________________ Passport to Texas from Texas Parks and Wildlife There's nothing like the South Texas Plains in spring. And Bentsen Rio Grande Valley SP is the place to experience diverse outdoors opportunities. Mondays, join naturalists as they take visitors on natural history hikes to explore the amazing plants and animals of the area. On Tuesdays keep an eye to the sky for hawks, during the site's Hawks by the Hundreds event. Join our raptor flight biologist on our new hawk observation tower and witness the spectacle of hawk migration. On Saturdays, participate in a bird walk, and set your sites on green jay, plain chachalaca, great kiskadee and many other South Texas species. Bring binoculars. Also on Saturdays in April, Take a guided tour of several butterfly gardens at the park. Butterfly field guide, drinking water, hat, insect repellent, sun block and camera recommended. Wrap up the week on Sundays, with a dragonfly walk, and meet some of nature's most fearsome predators that fly over the park's wetlands every day. Some species are only found in South Texas. Reservations are recommended for all events. Visit the calendar section of the TPWD web site for more information, including times, fees and phone numbers. That's our show for today. Thank you for joining us. For Texas Parks and Wildlife ... I'm Cecilia Nasti.