PANHANDLE ROUND-UP: Learn about some fun outdoor events in the Panhandle Plains region this month ... details ahead on Passport to Texas. ___________________________________________________________ Passport to Texas from Texas Parks and Wildlife Whether you're planning to visit, or live there already, there are enough outdoor opportunities at Panhandle Plains state parks to keep you informed, active and entertained. Age has it's rewards. Because from 9 to noon, Wednesday, April 12, San Angelo State Park hosts the Silver Bluebonnet Event, for senior citizens. Attendees can participate in seminars on wildflowers, birds and the park's bison, as well as enjoy a free lunch. Call the park for details. Spend a weekend this month at Caprock Canyon SP & Trailway. Every Saturday, participate in guided hikes and discussions ... and focus on the history, geology and the flora and fauna of the park. Then, on Sunday, learn how the early settlers of the Texas Panhandle Plains made tasty meals using a Dutch oven and a few coals from the campfire at the Cowboy Breakfast sampler & demo. And for the kids in the audience ... Lake Brownwood SP has its 9th Annual Spring Open House and Youth Outdoors Day ... on April 28 and 29. School kids get in free Friday, and will be treated to special outdoor education exhibits. Saturday continues with free entrance and exhibits open to the general public. Visit the calendar section of the TPWD web site for more information, including times, fees and phone numbers, for these and other events. That's our show for today. Thank you for joining us. For Texas Parks and Wildlife ... I'm Cecilia Nasti.