AUSTIN NATURE DAY: If you live in or near the Austin metro area...have we got a day for you ... details ahead on Passport to Texas. ___________________________________________________________ Passport to Texas from Texas Parks and Wildlife Austin is blessed with an abundance of green spaces. Austin has the highest per capita acreage of parkland in the United States. :06 Jeff Hershey is education and outreach coordinator for McKinney Falls State Park in Austin. On April 15, the park participate in Austin Nature Day. It's designed to get people to come out into Austin's natural spaces, special places, parks, open space, museums ... all of it. It's really geared to show people what's available to them in terms of nature education, recreational opportunities, and the like. :19 Hershey says more than 40 unique events are open to the public to learn about, experience, and enjoy the open spaces and natural places that make Austin special. And if you need a reason why this event is valuable ... Young people these days are continually being educated through the screen, through the computer, through the television ... They're not getting out, and figuring out what goes on in the natural world, what's around them, how they exist in the natural world, their place in it. There's an ever-widening disconnect between people and the natural world that produces their food, that produces the oxygen, produces the water ... all of it.:25 Details for this event are at That's our show for today ... For Texas Parks and Wildlife ... I'm Cecilia Nasti.