FAMILY FISHING EVENTS: You get a line, and I'll get a pole and we'll go fishing at a state park fishing hole ... details ahead on Passport to Texas. ___________________________________________________________ PTT from TPWD and the Sport Fish Restoration Program It's fun, it's free, it's fishing, and it happens all year long at Texas state parks with angling opportunities. We've got the family fishing celebration going on in our state parks, which will include some great activities for the family. :08 Ann Miller is aquatic education coordinator at Texas Parks and Wildlife. We've got a good number of state parks that are putting on some really neat events to introduce people to fishing who haven't fished, or to reintroduce people to fishing who may not have fished in quite awhile. :13 Miller says these activities are intended to whet your family's appetite for the angling life. These activities will get you started from how to tie your hook on, to how to choose baits, to how to cast, and how to read the waters so you know where the good spots are to go fishing. :13 And participants may reel in more than fish during these events. Many of those events will include some prizes, some giveaways ... and people will get some time to actually fish with some experts who can help them, give them some really good tips. :12 Family Fishing Celebration events are listed on the TPWD web site. That's our show for today ... supported by the Sport Fish Restoration program.. working to increase fishing, and boating opportunities in Texas ... For Texas Parks and Wildlife ... I'm Cecilia Nasti.