UNDERSTANDING SEAGRASS: Keep blades away from this grass ... we'll explain on Passport to Texas. ___________________________________________________________ PTT from TPWD and the Sport Fish Restoration Program Sea grass plays a vital role in the health and vitality of marine ecosystems. Sea grass does play an integral role in the estuary environment. It's a food source for many marine organisms. Small invertebrates actually feed on decomposing fragments of sea grass, and that's the bottom of the food chain, so that's real important. :15 Biologist Faye Berens, is working on a sea grass project in Redfish Bay. Sea grass may be low on the food chain, but it deserves our respect, even though at times it's not received it. We've had problems. Numerous boaters access the area, and due to the shallow waters that you'll find within the redfish bay area, submerged propellers actually will begin to uproot and create trenches in the sea grass beds. :16 Trenching ... fragments sea grass beds, which leads to other problems. You don't get a continuous growth, which can actually create more of an edge effect, and limit the abundance of marine organisms that can use that area. :10 Sea grass is the bottom of the food chain, and if it cannot support marine life on which successive links of the chain depend, then we could feel more than a ripple effect in the future. A new regulation to protect sea grass in Redfish Bay ... that's Monday. And that's our show for today ... supported by the Sport Fish Restoration program ... working to increase fishing and boating opportunities in Texas ... For Texas Parks and Wildlife ... I'm Cecilia Nasti.