TPWD TV SHOW: Discovering Texas is as easy as turning on the television ... details ahead on Passport to Texas. ___________________________________________________________ Passport to Texas from Texas Parks and Wildlife The outdoors has a friend in the weekly Texas Parks and Wildlife television series, which airs on PBS affiliates statewide. Primarily what we're trying to do with the show is to really showcase what Texas Parks and Wildlife is involved in all around the state. :07 Richard Roberts is the show's executive producer. He and his staff turn the camera on those whose job it is to protect and manage the state's vast natural and cultural resources. Doing this program, we go out and talk to a biologist who's out there doing wildlife surveys, or game wardens enforcing conservation laws; they're so into what they're doing. They're so glad to be doing it. And they're so glad somebody else is interested in what they're doing. It's just a situation where everybody is really dedicated to what they're doing, and having a good time doing it, and then we just show that off to everybody else. :19 Whether it's the high plains, Rio Grande Valley, the mountains, or Gulf coast - there's a lot of Texas to show off. There're so many things that Texas Parks and Wildlife is involved in, it's just a great opportunity for us to be able to do a TV show based around this. :06 A schedule of upcoming Texas parks and Wildlife TV shows is available on the TPWD website. Also consult your local listings for stations, days and times. That's our show for today ... thank you for joining us ... for Texas Parks and Wildlife ... I'm Cecilia Nasti.