PARRIE HAYNES: It's your ranch, so come out and use it ... details ahead on Passport to Texas ___________________________________________________________ Passport to Texas from Texas Parks and Wildlife The 45-hundred acre Parrie Haynes Youth Ranch is within 3to 4 hours of the Houston, Dallas, and San Antonio metropolitan areas. In addition to youth events, the ranch is a conference, environmental and equestrian center. The point I'd like to make for people is this is their ranch; it was donated to the citizens of Texas. :06 Karl Cloninger, director of the ranch, says the late Parrie Haynes donated the property to serve the children of Texas. And since 1993, TPWD has provided a wide range of outdoor educational programs for youth, but hasn't stopped there. In the last four years, we've expanded our operation due to the generosity of the Camp Coca Cola Foundation, to be able to not only do youth events, but to host meetings and conferences, and various kinds of training sessions for adults and youths alike. :16 Events at the ranch aren't limited to all work and no play. We've done lots of reunions; we just got an inquiry for our first wedding. We do all kinds of gatherings. The sky's the limit. And, if you have a program and you want to do it, and you want an economically viable alternative to a resort or a hotel setting, this is where you want to come. :18 Log onto the Texas Parks and Wildlife website and the "destinations" section for more information about having your gathering at Parrie Haynes Youth Ranch. That's our show for today ... For Texas Parks and Wildlife ... I'm Cecilia Nasti.