URBAN OUTDOOR PROGRAMS: Don't let your kids grow up knowing only the concrete jungle ... details ahead on Passport to Texas. ___________________________________________________________ Passport to Texas from Texas Parks and Wildlife [children playing] Children have become increasingly alienated from nature. As people have moved off the land and into cities, they've forgotten what it's all about; it's important that we try to rekindle their connection with the outdoors. :07 Ernie Gammage, director of urban outdoor programs for Texas Parks and Wildlife, is serious about helping children have fun in the outdoors, saying enjoyment is the first step toward restoring a connection with nature. Until you've put a rod and reel in an urban kid's hands, and see him have an experience that simulates what fishing is about, and see that light go off ... you really can't begin to understand the impact that participating in the outdoors and outdoor recreation can have. :14 Today, children have an intellectual rather than an experiential relationship with nature. They learn about it in the classroom, not from playing in it. Without a bond, they are less likely to value and protect their environment. The whole point is, if you have fun in the outdoors, you have a better, deeper understanding of it, and care about what happens to it. [ambience trails] :06 Find more information about urban outdoor programs in the education section of the Texas Parks and Wildlife web site. That's our show for today ... For Texas Parks and Wildlife ... I'm Cecilia Nasti.