MCKINNEY FALLS SP: Learn about a beautiful state park in the capital city ... details are ahead on Passport to Texas ... ____________________________________________________________ Passport to Texas ... from Texas Parks and Wildlife Even after thirty years in the park system, McKinney Falls State Park, just a short drive from the Texas Capital, remains a largely undiscovered jewel. At least two or three times a day, I'll have a customer come in and say, 'Wow, I've lived in Austin for twenty-five years and I've never been here.' :08 Jeff Hershey is an outreach and education specialist at McKinney Falls State Park. Whether you're a local or just passing through, make plans to spend time at this 744 acre Hill county Oasis. In fact, next time you're in Austin for any event, forget about hotels - stay to McKinney Falls SP; they have nearly a hundred overnight camping sites, most have water and electricity. Fall asleep to the sounds nature outside your tent flap, instead of loud conventioneers outside your door. Or, just come out for the day and immerse yourself in nature at its best. For the day user, it's an exceptional place. We have around seven miles of trails of varying degrees of difficulty, so people who want to walk, hike, or ride their biked - it's a great place for them. Onion Creek, one of the longest creeks in Texas - it's almost like a small river - crosses the property and forms two sets of falls. That's a great place to fish, swim if the conditions are right. And just sitting by the falls and enjoying nature's sounds ... it's just a wonderful opportunity. :28 Learn more about McKinney Falls State park, as well as all our state parks, by logging onto the Texas Parks and Wildlife web site. For Texas Parks and Wildlife ... I'm Cecilia Nasti.