SAFE BOATING: It's boating season ... are you and your passengers safe? Find out on Passport to Texas ... ____________________________________________________________ PTT from TPWD and the Sport Fish Restoration Program It's boating season in Texas. A time for family fun on the water. And with it, comes responsibility. Well, the National Safe Boating Council's campaign is "Wear It!", which means wear your lifejacket. :05 Steve Hall is Education Director at Texas Parks and Wildlife. And the main thing that we can do to be safe on Texas waters is to simply have a life jacket on board, and actually be wearing that lifejacket, because 90 percent of all boating accidents that cause fatalities could have been prevented had the person been wearing a lifejacket. :16 Wearing your lifejacket could determine whether or not you survive a boating accident. Obviously, if you're not wearing your life jacket and you have a boating accident, you're probably going into the water unconscious or perhaps in a hurt state. And if you don't have your lifejacket on you're going to drown. :12 Find more boating safety tips on the Texas Parks and Wildlife Website. The Sport Fish Restoration Program supports our series and provides funding to increase fishing and boating opportunities in Texas. For Texas Parks and Wildlife ... I'm Cecilia Nasti.