NECESSARY ITEMS FOR SAFE BOATING: Will you be as safe as you can be next time ... you will if you listen to Passport to Texas ... ____________________________________________________________ PTT from TPWD and the Sport Fish Restoration Program Think safety first before taking out the boat this summer. Texas and national laws state anyone under the age of 13 who's on a vessel must wear a life jacket at all times. Everyone on board the vessel has to have a life jacket available. And when we say life jackets we're talking personal floatation devices or PFDs. :08 Steve Hall is Education Director at Texas Parks and Wildlife. In addition to life jackets, other items should be stowed on board for safety's sake. Well, for safety's sake there are certain items on board a vessel that are required by law, such as a horn or a whistle for emergency use, and a fire extinguisher in case there's an obvious fire on board the vessel. Beyond that, things like an extra paddle and oars, and extra life jackets and a throw rope and an anchor ... all of those kinds of things that could help in an emergency situation. :22 Designate a non-drinking operator as well as an additional look out who can visually assist the operator. Somebody besides the operator that's really kind of looking ahead and making sure there's not something in the water; another vessel coming from the port or starboard sides, or just anything that might be dangerous - especially in low water conditions. :13 The Sport Fish Restoration Program supports our series and provides funding to increase fishing and boating opportunities in Texas. For Texas Parks and Wildlife ... I'm Cecilia Nasti.