SEPTEMBER MAGAZINE FEATURE: Learn about safaris where you shoot to "still" ... details on Passport to Texas ... ____________________________________________________________ Passport to Texas from Texas Parks and Wildlife It's estimated nearly half the US population has an interest in nature photography. And the September issue of Texas Parks and Wildlife magazine offers an article on photo-leases, where photographers take aim at wildlife. Associate Publisher Charles Lohrmann. "A lot of people, even seasoned hunters, are finding they enjoy hunting more with a camera than with a gun. So, the photo-lease was born out of a desire for landowners to make their land available. And they're going through much the same process they would in establishing a hunting lease. "They build blinds at the key watering holes and at feeding places. And the photographers then can - either through a long-term lease or a short-term lease - have access to the land to take photographs. Ranchers are naturally taking hold of that and they're seeing how birding is growing in some parts of the country - it's just a natural extension of that interest - and it's a very low-impact way to enjoy nature. We do have a list of contacts for people who would like to get started. And this includes organizations and local contacts, really all around the state." The September issue of Texas Parks and Wildlife magazine is on newsstands now. That's out show ... For Texas Parks and Wildlife ... I'm Cecilia Nasti.