EARLY TEAL: Don't be late for this early waterfowl season ... we'll explain on Passport to Texas ... ____________________________________________________________ PTT from TPWD and the SFWR Program Last year's early teal season was a brief nine days. This year's season is almost twice as long. This year we're going to set September teal season from September ninth to September the twenty-fourth. And considering that we have more than a million birds than we had last year - things are looking good. Dave Morrison is waterfowl program leader for Texas Parks and Wildlife. Length of season is determined by the findings of spring breeding ground surveys. The September teal season is based on blue wings. And we have a triggering mechanism. Anything below 4.7 [million], we've got a nine [day season]; anything above 4.7 [million], we get a sixteen [day season]. This year the breeding population for blue wings was between 5.5 and six million. Blue wing is the second most abundant waterfowl species in North America, but harvest rates are low, which helps to make the early season one of our more biologically sound waterfowl seasons in the state. Blue wings are very early migrants. They'll blow out of the breeding grounds and start migrating earlier than most species. And so, without September teal season, a lot of times those birds just weren't available. So, it makes sense, We're getting an opportunity to take these birds before they move out of the United States into Central and South America; and provide opportunity for hunters that's not going to impact the population. You can log onto the Texas Parks and Wildlife Web site and find more information about early teal season. That's our show for today ... Supported by the Sport Fish and Wildlife restoration Program ... funded by your purchase of fishing and hunting equipment and motor boat fuels ... For Texas Parks and Wildlife ... I'm Cecilia Nasti.