TPWD TV - ENVIRONMENTAL POLICING: If you want to learn about the people who protect the Texas environment, stay tuned for Passport to Texas ... ____________________________________________________________ Passport to Texas from Texas Parks and Wildlife Policing Pollution is a segment set to air on Texas Parks and Wildlife television during the week of September twenty-fourth through October first. Writer / producer, Alan Fisher spent over a year on this story. It's basically a story following a group of specially trained game wardens who work an environmental crimes task force. They work with other agencies basically to enforce pollution laws. Fisher says it's a different approach to the protection of fish and wildlife in Texas. One Act of pollution in the water could destroy more wildlife habitat or fish than a poacher. Johnny Longoria, featured in the segment, is a game warden who patrols the Houston Ship Channel as part of the Texas environmental enforcement task force. The city of Houston is constantly having to put out fishing bans because of some of these toxins that are getting into the ship channel. Somewhere along the line it's going to trickle down, and that's what we're there to try to prevent. The work is tedious, and never-ending. Yet, as game Warden Johnny Gray says - it's worth it. I don't think we'll ever say we've accomplished our job. I think we can say we're fighting to do our job every day. My motivation is knowing that I'm making a difference. We hope we're preserving the water ... we hope we're preserving the wildlife and the habitat for years to come. PBS stations broadcast the series ... check your local listings. That's our show for today ... For Texas Parks and Wildlife ... I'm Cecilia Nasti.