HUNTER'S CHOICE: Waterfowl hunters have choices to make. We'll explain on Passport to Texas ... ____________________________________________________________ PTT from TPWD and the Wildlife Restoration Program Waterfowlers in Texas - and four other Central Flyway states - will participate in a Multi-year pilot program called Hunter's Choice. Hunter's Choice is just a new way of looking at bag limits in duck hunting. Dave Morrison is waterfowl program leader at Texas Parks and Wildlife. What we're trying to do with Hunter's Choice, is simplify the regulations process. Rather than have a closed season, or a season within a season, Hunter's Choice will provide opportunity for the entire season on species like pintail and canvasback ... But they'll be in an aggregate bag, which means if you shoot a pintail, you can't shoot a canvasback, or a hen mallard, or a mottled duck. But you can do it the entire season. So when the hunter's out there, he has a choice - a choice of which one do I want to shoot. Hunters Choice provides protection for certain ducks, while eliminating closed seasons, or seasons within a season, which can be confusing, while maintaining liberal seasons for those species doing well. It also reduces the daily bag limit from six to five. The second choice a hunter has to make is do I want to shoot five drake mallards, five gadwall, five teal ... or do I want to shoot four of those and one of the aggregate bag? That's all it is. It's just a different way of looking at how you harvest ducks. The Wildlife Restoration Program supports our series, and also works to increase shooting and hunting opportunities in Texas. For Texas Parks and Wildlife ... I'm Cecilia Nasti.