OCTOBER MAGAZINE HIGHLIGHTS: Sky islands ... and hunter hangouts...learn more on Passport to Texas ... ____________________________________________________________ Passport to Texas from Texas Parks and Wildlife You never know what fascinating facts you'll discover in the pages of Texas Parks and Wildlife magazine. Here to tell us about the October issue is Associate Publisher Charles Lohrmann. In this issue, we have a very interesting article on the Davis Mountains, which is where one of our most popular state parks is located. And it's considered a sky island because it's a unique habitat at a higher elevation, which receives more rainfall than the Chihuahuan desert, which surrounds it. And, it's known for, even today, having a very healthy habitat with a lot of wildlife. But the article includes some history, which tells of the early ranchers and settlers of the area, and how many bears and panthers they would see on a regular basis. And another story that will be interesting to look at, as well as to read, is one on Hunter hangouts, which are the country stores and restaurants and barbeque joints in some of the rural areas of the state that become gathering places for hunters and locals alike to share stories and share information about the hunting season and about good times. The October issue of Texas Parks and Wildlife magazine is on newsstands now. Learn how you can subscribe by logging onto the Texas Parks and Wildlife web site. That's our show for today ... For Texas Parks and Wildlife ... I'm Cecilia Nasti.