NATIONAL HUNTING AND FISHING DAY: Celebrating the contributions of hunters and anglers to conservation ... we'll tell you how on Passport to Texas ... ____________________________________________________________ PTT from TPWD and the SFWR Program On Saturday September 23, we celebrate hunters and anglers with National Hunting and fishing Day. Well, National Hunting and Fishing Day was set up to really celebrate the success of hunting and fishing as it applies to conservation in North America. Steve Hall is Director of Education for Texas Parks and Wildlife. Congress created the day in 1972, to honor the men and women who support conservation through the purchase of hunting and fishing licenses. That's true. They've purchased millions upon millions of dollars of licenses each year here in Texas alone. And yet, at the same time they also pay excise taxes on sporting arms and ammunition and equipment, that also goes directly to conservation efforts, such as wildlife management, and wildlife research, and even hunter education programs throughout North America. The event has a new home in a very unique museum. The wonders of Wildlife Museum, there in Springfield, Missouri. It's the only museum connected with both the Smithsonian and the American Zoo and Aquarium Association. So, it's a really nifty place to showcase National Hunting and Fishing Day efforts. Log onto and listen to a podcast featuring the event's honorary chairman, Tracy Byrd, who is a native Texan, country crooner, and avid outdoorsman. That's our show for today ... supported by the Sport Fish and Wildlife Conservation program ... working to increase fishing, hunting, shooting and boating opportunities in Texas ... For Texas Parks and Wildlife ... I'm Cecilia Nasti.